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FTIR Measurement Accessories

FTIR Measurement Accessories

  • Standard Tranmittance Measurement Accessories;(Magenta Molar™ brand & 3rd party commercial brand such as from PIKE available)

  • Diffuse & Specular Reflectance Accessories; (Both own source & 3rd party commercial brand available)

  • Universal Attenuated Total Reflectance Accessories; (Magenta Molar™ brand & 3rd party commercial brand such as from PIKE) (Diamond, ZnSe & Ge Crystal available; Minimum sample preparation needed; For Quick FTIR analysis)

  • De-mountable Liquid Flow Micro Cell (KBr Window; 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25 mm path length)

  • Fixed Liquid Flow Micro Cell (For volatile compounds; 0.1, 0.25, 0.5 mm path length)

  • Liquid/Gas Flow Cells (Standard Cells or customization available for Anti-corrosion & various path length; Online or offline Liquid/gas sample analysis)

  • FTIR Standard Spectrum Library for Common Chemical Compounds;

  • Infra-Red Spectrum Library for Common Pharmaceutical Compounds;


Molar™ Series

Fourier Transform Infra-Red Spectrometer

Unique Design of Sealing & Drying of Optic Compartment improves light transmission & moisture resistance,
minimize the interference from humid environment, e.g. South Asia & South East Asia;

Equipped with digital humidity display function automatically alerts user to replace desiccant and Re-usable desiccant cartridge in stainless steel cylinder for easier user maintenance;

 Real Time Online Self Diagnostic & Monitoring optics component status (Laser, IR light source, Detectors, Beam Splitter); Automatically compensated for moisture & carbon dioxide absorption with
corresponding software module;

KBr Beam Splitter coated with Germanium offers wide range of IR absorption measurement

Collimating optic design: Optic components are dynamic aligned & guide-pin positioned; easy for removal &
replacement of accessible optics in the way of plug & play;

Complete selections for FTIR accessories: Liquid cells (demountable); KBr Pellet Sample Preparation Accessories;
ATR (Attenuated Total Reflection) Accessories (shorten sample preparation time & cleaning time, extending
instrument application), and many others; 

Large sample compartment allowing coupling with various accessories, such as universal ATR
accessory (diamond & ZnSe crystal), applicable to liquid, viscous liquid, bulky solid, small particle,
powder, fiber, & elastic polymer sample with minimum sample preparation required

Comprehensive software package at your choices such as IR Spectrum Acquisition, Process & Analysis
Programs, H2O/CO2 compensation and professional SADTLER Spectrum Library for unknown
compounds Identification/Comparison/Search/Matching, etc;

FDA 21 CFR Part 11 Compliance with audit trail, account management, electronic signature,
GLP/GMP, IQOQPQ & other features are available at your choice

APPLICATION FIELDs: Pharmaceutical; Petrochemical; Environmental; Food; Jewelry; Polymer Synthesis; Semiconductor; Material Science; Chemical Engineering; Anti Terrorism & Explosive Checks; Drug & Criminal Investigation; Many others;


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